New website and blog
I've been getting into the habit of regularly publishing my writing online. Writing for a broader audience than academic papers has been a great exercise in clarifying my thinking on a subject and improving my writing in general.
Previously I had a personal website using GitHub pages (along with an attached Jekyll blog which served as a repository for URLs and notes), and I separately posted longer-form articles on Medium. (I also occasionally write longer-form articles for Innolitics.) My personal website was bare-bones to the point that it wasn't responsive to screen sizes. And I wasn't happy with the experience of writing technical content on Medium; Medium doesn't support MathJax or syntax highlighting which makes writing about machine learning arduous.
Those problems plus some inspiration from other blog posts motivated me to create a new website and blog using the Ghost platform. This website is the result, and I think it is nicer looking than my old personal website, responsive, and supports technical writing much better than Medium.
As far as the content I plan to post, I'll continue to focus on topics in medical image analysis and machine learning (which is the focus of my PhD). You can follow me here using an RSS feed or on Twitter at @JacobCReinhold.